WE, the residents of Connecticut, hereby call for the CT General Assembly to:

• draft and pass a bill to restore vaccination religious exemption, and,

• to include provision for philosophical exemption to vaccination,

for all daycare, school-age, and college students in our state.

Please complete this form to sign the petition:


The right to refuse vaccination for school-age children on religious grounds had been a long-standing right for Connecticut children and their parents.

But, on April 28,  2021, Gov. Lamont signed Public Act 21-6, a law which stripped vaccination religious exemption from parental rights.

Now, you can no longer assert your right to have your children refuse mandated vaccinations on religious grounds - and still have your children attend in-person schooling.

This bill applies Public AND Private schools, so even parochial and faith-based schools are subject to this change.

For the families that did not have a notarized vaccination religious exemption on file by April 27, 2021,  you, as a parent, will not be able decline vaccination for your children in our state again and still send your children to an in-person school.

For children that were not grandfathered in, and all future children seeking to attend school in our state, parents are being forced to either homeschool or violate their religious beliefs to go to school.

If these student do not get their vaccinations up-to-date as mandated, thousands of students will potentially be kicked out of school on Sept. 1, 2022 the effective date of this bill.

The CT State constitution is very clear about defending every children’s right to a free, public education.

Connecticut is in the minority of states violating religious freedom, as 44 states in the U.S. have laws protecting parent’s rights to vaccination exemption: whether on religious or philosophical grounds, and many protect both.  

What’s more, thousands of parents are now concerned with the COVID-19 vaccination becoming mandatory for school.

 If and when that happens, they will be shocked to find out that their right to refuse these vaccinations and still attend school was stripped away in 2021.

CT Liberty Rally is launching a mass marketing campaign called “Restore Religious Exemption CT”.

Our two mains goals are to:

1. Obtain 100,000 signatures on our Restore RE Petition, which calls for a Legislative bill not only for RE to be restored AND the new inclusion of a philosophical exemption.

2. Draft a bill, seek Legislative sponsors, and ultimately see Vaccination Religious Exemption restored and philosophical exemption added.


Together can raise this issue to enough parents around our state, to produce the massive public outcry needed to change this law.


If you would like to join this fight, please sign the petition below, and share the link to this site:

Thank you for standing with me to restore religious and parental rights in our state.


- Jonathan Johnson


CT Liberty Rally &
Connecticut Parents (formerly Unmask Our Kids CT)

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